Outlook For Mac 2016 People Search Not Working Site:community.spiceworks.com


Feb 21, 2018  Because of these changes, the ability to manually start a database rebuild is not available in Outlook for Mac for Office 365. This will help reduce time spent on rebuilding the database for issues that truly are not caused by database problems, thus a database rebuild is not necessary. I have a client who is having an issue with the search function within Outlook 2016. The search will not work and when you attempt to bring up Search Tools>Indexing options, it sits spinning until you manually close it. Hi all, None of the above worked. MS Help suggested the following and it worked right away. Sometimes 'Spotlight' may not behave as expected. We can re-index Outlook 2016 for Mac search database to fix this search issue.

  1. Outlook 2016 For Mac Search

In the case that you migrate a system or some other sort of anomaly causes an issue with Outlook to where it shows no search results this is how you fix it.First start by Removing the account from outlook. Go to Outlook > Preferences > Accounts Select the account and then select the minus button. Confirm and select Delete It will go through a brief process of deleting the account.

Once the account is removed. Quit Outlook. Next go to Outlook in the Applications folder and right click then select Show Package Contents In here go to Contents > ShareSupport Open the Outlook Profile Manager Select the Main Profile and select the minus button in the bottom left hand corner to delete it.

Once deleted create a new profile with the plus button in the bottom left hand corner. Rename the profile to the users first name or something other than 'Main Profile' Note: Do not include special characters in the Profile name it will blow things up. Next open Outlook and go to Outlook > Preferences > Accounts Select the plus button in the bottom left hand corner and then select Exchange for the account type. Alternatively you can click on the Exchange Icon.

Enter the credentials and let the email download. Quit Outlook.Open a terminal session. Type (or cut/paste): mdimport -g '/Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Outlook Spotlight Importer.mdimporter' -d1 '/Users/$USER/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/ Main Profile(enter the profile name, which you have changed) '.and let it do its thing IT worked for me. I have found a quick fix for this problem. After reading so much about this on the web and the ways to deal with it, well all were a real pain!

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Here is what I did. I found the folder Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/ Inside that window I had a folder seeing how I upgraded from 2011 to 2016. I left that window open so I could see the folder. I then opened TimeMachine and replaced the folder. This over wrote all the info data and cash onto my hard drive. After that was done, I rebooted my laptop just to get everything fresh and then opened Outlook. All indexing fixed!

So I have recently run into an issue with a user not being able to connect to our Exchange server. We have quite a few users using Outlook 2016 but all of them up to this point have been domain systems that I was setting up and so they connected just fine to our Exchange 2013 server. Recently though we had a remote sales person we hired who is choosing to utilize his own laptop. We don't typically have an issue with this I usually remote in and configure their Outlook using the Outlook Anywhere settings and everything works beautifully. However in Outlook 2016 as I have recently found out does not have the same functionality. So I have been researching trying to find a clear cut simple guide on how to properly setup the autodiscover records and I have yet to find one that clearly outlines it.

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